Weekly Market Update 03-27-21
My apologies for the late delivery of this week’s update, I was fortunate enough get my COVID19 vaccine last week, however the impact of that turned out to be far greater …
Weekly Market Update 03-21-21
Well the old saying held true this week, if you don't like the weather in the desert wait a day, as we experienced winter, spring, and an inkling of summer all in one wee …
Weekly Market Update 03-13-21
I will begin by apologizing for the length of the read this week, I wanted to make sure I covered the market, as well as the major impacting news of the latest round of s …
Weekly Market Update 03-06-21
It is starting to feel like spring with temperatures in the 70s this weekend and it seems for the next few days as well. While this week likely felt a lot worse than it a …
Weekly Market Update 04-02-21
Spring has officially sprung here in Las Vegas! With the warmer weather and the continued buoyed hope of a full re-opening we had a market that seemed to gain some tracti …